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Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Honoring Sacred Waters Gathering
In lieu of a Thanksgiving Eve worship this year, we [...]
Lunch Break Bible Study
Grab your lunch and join Pastor Kristen on Wednesdays at [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Loaves & Fishes Community Meal
Nokomis Heights is a Loaves and Fishes Community Meal site! [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Christmas Eve Worship
Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesCarols and candlelight and the story of the babe in [...]
Adult Forum: Bill Kaemmerer, Fair Trade Coffee
We get the coffee we serve at church from Equal [...]