Online Sunday Worship
May 2, 2021 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
We’re pleased to welcome Pastor Kelly Chatman from the Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement (CNLE) to worship this Sunday! As part of our Opening Doors initiative, Nokomis Heights has partnered with the CNLE to take a deep look internally at racial injustice in our own community and identify ways we can act with confidence and sensitivity. Pastor Kelly will be preaching on the text from Acts 8:26-39, the story of Philip’s baptizing an Ethiopian eunuch. We invite you to tune in to hear his message!
Our musicians this week are Kim Bretheim, Johan Christopherson, Sue Danielson Bretheim, Carolyn Deters, Maren Nelson, Tim Wicker, and Sarah Winter, with Laura Morris on trumpet. Chuck Ehlers is our lector, and Pastor Kris and Annika Coyle are handling the children’s message. We will also be celebrating Holy Communion.
The service will premiere at 10:00 am on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page. You can watch it then or any time after.
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