Good Friday Online Worship
April 10, 2020 / 7:00 pm –7:30 pm CDT
Join us for the most solemn of worship on Good Friday evening at 7:00 pm, on our Facebook page and our YouTube channel (video becomes available at 7:00 pm and you can watch it whenever you want to after that). At the heart of the Good Friday worship is the Passion according the Gospel of John.
Our traditional Tenebrae (Latin for “shadow”) worship of music and readings moves us into increasing darkness, as one by one the candles are extinguished, and we are left to ponder the depth of God’s love for us as seen in Jesus on the cross.
We invite you to gather together as the church in the only way we are now able to—at home with our families. And we welcome comments!
As we practice care for our neighbors through social distancing, we will be worshiping in this way until further notice.
Download our bulletin here.
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