Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression.
— Isaiah 1:17a
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy
—Proverbs 31:9


We have a responsibility to answer the distress signals of injustice. We are called to respond to the deep and pressing need for a world in which all people may live without oppression, hatred, and violence. We believe that all people are loved and made equal in God’s image. We understand that centuries of systemic oppression, inherent bias, and learned racism have made our communities rife with inequality, injustice, and prejudice.

As people of a faith built on love, acceptance, and a desire to serve our neighbors, it is our duty to right the wrongs that have been thrust into our midst. We seek to serve each other and our neighbors by taking an active role in repairing the harm done by the systems in which we are complicit. We seek to amplify voices that may be marginalized and to provide aid to those in need, both within and outside of our congregation.

We vow to guide our church’s path and journey toward sustainable social justice. We vow to recognize bigotry and hate in all their ugly shapes, and to confront them when they are in our midst. We vow to learn how to dismantle our community’s biases and build a better understanding of how we can aid all people, regardless of cultural or ethnic background; race; sexual orientation; gender identity; physical or mental abilities; socio-economic, marital, or family status; gender; or age.

We ask that God guide us on our journey as we work to make our communities, both inside and outside of our congregation, better places for everyone to live, thrive, succeed, and coexist in what we know is a world that God created for all people.

We acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers. We acknowledge that we all have our own implicit biases. It is our responsibility to do better, be better, and live better. We recognize that we will make mistakes along the way, and we seek the wisdom of God and our leaders in justice to learn and grow in this journey. Please join us.

The Racial Justice Task Force:
Lisa Bernard, Libby Bottem, Laura Bretheim, Shannon Bryant, Carl Christopherson, Christine Hurney, Andrea Nasstrom, and Pastor Kris Capel.

We welcome your questions, stories, and feedback – please feel free to contact any of us, and if you are interested in joining the team, please reach out to Pastor Kris.