Dear Nokomis Heights Friends –

Our annual congregation meeting will be Sunday, January 28, 2024,  immediately following the church service. At this meeting, we will enact business of the church, including electing officers and other positions, approving an annual budget, and hearing reports on the great work of Nokomis Heights. All confirmed members of the congregation are encouraged to attend.

This year, we will consider amendments to the Nokomis Heights constitution. These all come to us from our church Synod (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or ELCA) that were passed in 2022.  All the changes are part of the “model constitution” that all congregations are required to implement.  Generally, the changes update language concerning justice and equity; they remove gender-specific language; they remove offensive language concerning disability; they offer several minor editorial changes. They also update our ability to communicate electronically as a congregation and church council.

Since these changes come directly from the Synod, we can enact them at a single congregational meeting (unlike changes we might originate ourselves, which would require two consecutive meetings); further, we cannot change the language.

A full copy of the amendments is posted here. Use this link to access it:

Copies will also be on the counter in the back of the church up until the annual meeting.

Please review the amendments and let me know if you have any questions,, or 651/829-0052. I hope to see you at the Annual Meeting!

In Christ,

Mark Lofthus

Congregation President