Sunday school looks a little different this year. Recently, “Faith at Home” boxes were delivered to families with kids age 2 through Grade 6, and they were invited to participate in faith building activities in the comfort of their homes and whenever it was convenient for their family’s schedule–with parents as teachers this year.

“Martin Luther emphasized the importance of parents teaching the faith to their children at home. He even wrote The Small Catechism as a resource for parents to use,” explains Cindy Nelson, NHLC Director of Children’s Ministries. “So we thought since Sunday school has to be at home this year, we could assist parents by putting together a box of resources and activities for families to do together.”

In each Faith at Home box is 5 sessions of activities parents can do with their kids over the next 5 weeks. Each session corresponds with the scripture lesson heard in worship that Sunday, as part of the Narrative Lectionary. The Narrative Lectionary chooses scripture that tells the whole story of salvation chronologically, beginning with Creation. It’s an easy-to-understand way approach to scripture for both children and adults.

The sessions were designed to work with a wide range of ages. Each has activities for younger children as well as older kids. Parents can choose learning activities they think their kids will enjoy. There are several ways to tell the Bible story each week–reading it from the Bible or Story Bible, sharing a short summary as printed on the leaflet that is included for each week, or even watching a video on YouTube. To reinforce the Bible story, each session includes a variety of learning activities, from games and crafts to recipes and puzzles.

Another Faith at Home box will be delivered at the beginning of November.
If you did not receive a box and you have children in the target range (age 2-Grade 6), please contact Cindy Nelson.