Three years ago we blessed a “Black Lives Matter” sign and placed it in front of the church. In recent days, we have grieved with our community and our nation the senseless and horrible death of George Floyd. He was a human being, a child of God. He mattered. And for reasons outside his control, he became another black victim to police brutality.
Much is going on in our community and nation right now. Yes, there has been violence, but there also has been much good—so much unity, so much righteous anger, so many people donating, opening their homes, marching, and preaching against racist systems.
As a congregation, we have begun discussing ways we can affect real change for good. Join the conversation at the next virtual coffee hour to find out about a letter being drafted to send to elected officials that addresses changes that need to be made to combat racism and bring about systemic change, especially in our police force.
We long for the radical in-breaking of God’s justice and the dismantling of racism. Being patient for change is not an option. The only way to bring about change is to be the change we wish to see. Please don’t sit on the sidelines. Reach out to your neighbor, pay attention to what our elected officials say and do and let them know what changes need to be made, support organizations that are helping meet the needs of those affected, post signs of support, teach your children about compassion and love—and pray for the Spirit to blow through us and ignite a fire for justice!