Dear Nokomis Heights Community,

The Church Council and Staff met on Sunday, March 15, to discuss how we as a congregation will move forward in this season of coronavirus and social distancing and self-quarantine. How do we continue to be church?

Pastor Marla was on Facebook Live this afternoon outlining our plans going forward. In case you didn’t catch it, here’s the gist of what she had to say (and if you want to watch–it’s really good!–here’s a link to our page).

Here’s the bad news: Nokomis Heights is officially suspending in-person gatherings, including:

  • Sunday Worship
  • Sunday School
  • Sunday Forum
  • Wednesday Soup Suppers & Midweek Lenten Worship
  • All in-person committee groups
  • Activity groups: Quilters, Book Club, Second Saturday Stitchers, Yoga, Love & Justice Bible Study, Ekklesia Bible Study 

That’s it. That’s all the bad news. Now, here’s the GOOD NEWS. We can still be church! We just have to do things differently!

So, on Wednesday, we will upload to the web a video midweek worship that uses an adapted Holden Evening Prayer service. We plan to upload to YouTube and Facebook. Here’s the link to our Facebook page. (As soon as it is set up, we’ll send the YouTube link.) Remember, you don’t need a Facebook account to watch the video, but you DO need an account to leave comments.

On Sunday, we will upload to YouTube and Facebook a video of our Sunday worship. It won’t be a long service, but we plan to include word and music. And we’ll include a link to a bulletin document for you to follow along, including announcements. But wait! There’s more! Starting NEXT TUESDAY, March 24, Pastor Marla will be offering a group Bible Study/Meditation using the online meeting platform called ZOOM. All you have to do is sign up for a free account at It’s not hard to use—even those who may think they are technically-challenged can figure it out!

For all those out there who lead groups at Nokomis Heights, such as Bible studies, book club, committees, and such, PLEASE CONTACT PASTOR MARLA. She will be happy to share our user name and password so you can also use Zoom to meet together. It’s a really great interface program—you’re gonna love it.

Finally, if you are a current volunteer, or would like to sign up to volunteer for grocery delivery at Community Emergency Service (CES) or serving a meal at Our Saviour’s Shelter, here’s what you need to know: We will continue to serve these two ministries. People’s lives depend on us. We have been in contact with both CES and Our Saviour’s, and we will be following their lead. For those who have helped in  the past, please keep the following in mind: 

  • If you are healthy and willing, please continue volunteering–just use extra precautions around hand washing and disinfecting all the surfaces you use.
  • If you are not comfortable continuing, please let Mark Lofthus (CES) or Marian Blattner (Our Saviour’s Shelter) know.

One last word: We will be sending emails much more frequently in the coming days. It’s one way we can keep in touch. Please know that we are also just a phone call away (612-825-6846). The church office remains open and Pastor Marla is on call to answer your questions and hear your concerns.

Please continue to wash your hands and practice social distancing. But don’t let it lead to isolation—know that we are here for you. And God is with us all!