March 13, 2020

To the community at Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church:

You may have heard the press conference from Governor Walz this afternoon. In it, he outlined the impact of the coronavirus on the state of Minnesota and advised no gatherings over 250 people. As you are well aware, Nokomis Heights does not meet those requirements but we DO care deeply for our neighbors, as well as our family and loved ones. We want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep you safe and healthy.

Although we aren’t canceling Sunday’s service at this time, we ask that you take extra precautions as we gather together. Please use the hand sanitizer stationed at the entrance to the sanctuary and on the counter of the kitchen or wash your hands before participating in forum or worship. We also ask that you sit at a distance of at least six feet apart from the next family unit. Finally, please “pass the peace” with a wave and a word of welcome, and if at all possible, avoid touching your face.

Here are some ways we are preparing for worship on Sunday: Although we’ve already sanitized the entire church, the children will be re-sanitizing all the handles and switches around church during Sunday school. The offering plates will not be passed; ushers will reach into the pew rows to receive the offering. To keep a safe distance from one another, we will not be receiving the Lord’s Supper or serving coffee and cookies after the service. It will be difficult to maintain a safe distance at forum.  Please exercise wisdom should you decide to attend. 

Hopefully this gives you confidence to join us, but please know that the decision is up to you. Please stay home if you feel at all hesitant, or if you are showing any symptoms of allergies, cold, flu, or virus.

 Lastly, we’d like you to know that the Church Council will be meeting after worship on Sunday to discuss the possibility of moving worship online going forward. Please check your email for details in the coming week.

These are difficult times. Some may think we are over-reacting. Others may wish we acted sooner. What is unique about a time like this is that it forces us to think not of ourselves, but to take into consideration the most vulnerable among us, making sacrifices on their behalf. Let’s take this opportunity to pray fervently for those around us who are impacted the most, and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to make wise and loving choices moving forward. 

Trusting our future to the One who holds it,
Pastor Marla Rotman