Lay Preaching Series: Greg Winter

Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United States

This summer's lay preaching series theme is "Perfect Stranger," using [...]

Lay Preaching Series: Anne Kersten

Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United States

This summer's lay preaching series theme is "Perfect Stranger," using [...]

Lay Preaching Series: Brenda Nelson

Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United States

This summer's lay preaching series theme is "Perfect Stranger," using [...]

Reformation Sunday/Bible Presentation

Nokomis Heights 5300 10th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Our annual commemoration of Martin Luther's posting the 95 Theses [...]

Online Sunday Worship

Join us for worship on the second Sunday of Easter! [...]

Online Sunday Worship

We're pleased to welcome Pastor Kelly Chatman from the Center [...]