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Families of kids Kindergarten age through Grade 5, the second of two virtual VBS videos premieres on our YouTube channel at 9:00 am. You can watch it then or anytime after that. The 30-minute video includes Bible stories, crafts, snack ideas, games, and more! We’re using some of the materials that were originally prepared for Seeds campers at Wapo this summer (before the pandemic hit and in-person camping was curtailed), and we’re pairing it with some fun of our own.

Our virtual VBS sessions correlate with events Amy Snetting is doing with the 6th-12th graders and Pastor Kris’s 5-week sermon series on being “Hope-full,” based on Romans 15:13. Virtual VBS 2020 is targeted toward kids in Kindergarten through Grade 5, but whole families are encouraged to take part.

Did you miss the first session? It’s not to late to find it on our YouTube channel!

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