Sunday Worship
October 22, 2023 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
Our fall worship series, I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…., continues this Sunday with a spirit-filled morning of learning and worship, as we connect with one another over a new question each week. Our question this week is, “Where does it hurt?”
Pastor Steve Delzer is preaching this Sunday, and our Bible text is Mark 5:21-43, healing stories of Jesus. God invites us, like Jairus and like the woman in the gospel reading, to bring whatever it is that hurts, whatever it is that weighs upon our hearts and lives—to bring that hurt to Jesus, to reach out and let Jesus touch us where it hurts with the healing, life-giving love of God.
Worship will also include a healing service—a time of prayers and laying on of hands and anointing. Please join us!
For those who worship with us online, we’ll be recording worship live on Sunday, and the video will be posted later. Find it on our YouTube channel and Facebook page by Sunday evening or Monday morning.
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