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Special Congregational Meeting

June 11, 2023 / 11:00 am 11:30 am CDT

All confirmed members of Nokomis Heights are encouraged to attend for the purpose of acting on a recommendation from the Congregation Council to call Amber Bergeson as Pastor of Worship Arts.

The Pastor of Worship Arts will work on engaging children and youth in worship and music, lead the vocal aspects of worship, assist Pastor Kris and Julie Urban in worship planning, lead vocal ensembles, support Blanca Raniolo in children’s ministry, lead the Christmas program, and support online worship.

The pastoral call would be a two-year “term call” permitted by the ELCA, distinguished from the usual call of a permanent pastor. This does not mean that Amber can only stay at Nokomis Heights for two years. It simply means that the initial “term” for her call is two years.

A quorum of 40 confirmed members is required to conduct business at a special meeting. The meeting will be held immediately following worship, in the Sanctuary.

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