Online Sunday Worship: Palm Sunday
March 28, 2021 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
It’s Palm Sunday! Join us as we recount the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and look ahead to the events of Holy Week. Pastor Steve Delzer is preaching this week, and Annika Coyle is in charge of the children’s message. Marti Priest has put together a dramatic reading of the Palm Sunday Gospel from Luke 19, that features images and the voices of youth and adults from the congregation. Plus, there will be music and palms and processing!
We have a host of singers this week, including Marit Aaseng, Catherine Bretheim, Kim Bretheim, Laura Bretheim, Sue Danielson Bretheim, Carolyn Deters, Bill and Carol Kaemmerer, Tim Wicker, and Kristin Young. And we welcome Laura Morris and Peter Eckman on trumpet.
Worship premieres at 10:00 am on our YouTube channel and Facebook (video becomes available then and you can watch it whenever you want to after that).
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