Online Sunday Worship
September 25, 2022 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
Join us for the third installment in our seven-week worship series, titled Re-member. This week we take a look at the story of Hebrew midwives from Exodus 1:8-22. Intern Pastor Yesenia Morales Bahena is preaching.
Sunday’s text opens with this ominous sentence: “Now a new pharaoh arose over Egypt, who did not remember Joseph.” The result is that the descendants of Joseph are now considered threats to the one in power and he looks to keep them from multiplying in number at all costs. Enter the midwives, who are told to kill all the newborns, but who refuse to do Pharaoh’s bidding. It’s a story of both forgetting and remembrance—Pharaoh forgetting his debt to Joseph’s descendants and God remembering the faithfulness of the midwives. Ultimately is it a story of hope for us all.
Worship premieres at 10:00 am on our YouTube channel and Facebook (video becomes available then and you can watch it whenever you want to after that).
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