Online Sunday Worship
May 9, 2021 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
Join us for worship on this sixth Sunday in the season of Easter! Our Bible text from the Narrative Lectionary is from Acts 15. Pastor Steve Delzer is preaching on how God’s grace and love includes everyone, and how we as the church can be agents of transformation in the world, embracing those who are often excluded.
Our musicians this week are Kim Bretheim, Johan Christopherson, Sue Danielson Bretheim, Carolyn Deters, and Tim Wicker, with Laura Morris on trumpet. Larry Murphy is our lector, and Pastor Kris and the Korchik family is presenting the children’s message. We will also be celebrating Holy Communion.
Worship premieres at 10:00 am on our YouTube channel and Facebook (video becomes available then and you can watch it whenever you want to after that).
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