Online Sunday Worship
April 11, 2021 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT
Join us for worship on the second Sunday of Easter! This week, our NHLC staff is taking a break and worship is being led by staff members of the Minneapolis Area Synod and Church Anew, an ecumenical ministry at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie. Please tune in for this festive worship service, which was recorded at Hope Lutheran Church in Jordan, Minnesota. The service will premiere at 10:00 am on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page. You can watch it then or any time after.
Preaching on the text from Acts 4:32-37 is the Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto from Church Anew. Rev. Dr. Barreto is the Weyerhaeuser Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Seminary. He holds a BA in religion from Oklahoma Baptist University, an MDiv from Princeton Seminary, and a PhD in New Testament from Emory University. Prior to coming to Princeton Seminary, he served as associate professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, and also taught as an adjunct professor at the Candler School of Theology and McAfee School of Theology. As a Baptist minister, Barreto has pursued scholarship for the sake of the church, and he regularly writes for and teaches in faith communities around the country. He has also been a leader in the Hispanic Theological Initiative Consortium, a national, ecumenical, and inter-constitutional consortium comprised of some of the top seminaries, theological schools, and religion departments in the country. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion.
Other participants in the worship include Bishop Ann Svennungsen and the Rev. Wondimu Sonessa as presiding and assisting ministers, Rev. John Hulden as children’s message preacher, and ASL interpreters Wendy Devore and Mary Catherine. Music is provided by a talented group of singers from around the Minneapolis Area Synod: Hans Peterson from Dakota Road, Rev. Steve Thompson from Hope Lutheran in Jordan, Twin Cities area actor/singer/director Michelé Crowder, Rev. Jeff Engholm from Trinity Lutheran in Watertown, and Rev Matthew Ian Fleming from St. Andrew Lutheran in Eden Prairie.
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