Online Sunday Worship
January 17, 2021 / 10:00 am – 11:00 am CST
On Sunday, January 17, we begin a 4-week series—Opening Doors—our generosity initiative. This week’s focus is “Opening Doors to Our Neighbors.” Pastor Kris Capel is preaching on Luke 4:16-21, in which Jesus’ message to his hometown is received with a less than warm response. How do we receive the same message today?
Music this week is provided by vocalists Kim Capel, Johan Christopherson, Bill and Carol Kaemmerer, Maren Nelson, Cindy Nelson, and Sarah Winter, with Kim Bretheim on cello and Laurie Stegner on violin. Jan Myers is our lector, and Pam Dewey, Elisabeth Pletcher, and Stephanie Korchik will be speaking on our generosity initiative. Please join us!
Worship premieres on Facebook and on our YouTube channel at 10:00 am. You can watch it then or anytime after.
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