NHLC Book Club on Zoom
April 23, 2020 / 7:00 pm –8:00 pm CDT
We’ll be meeting virtually again this month, using the Zoom meeting platform. Join us at 7pm on April 23 for our discussion of There, There, by Tommy Orange. The novel tells of the plight of urban Native Americans grappling with a complex and painful history, as it follows 12 characters from Native communities traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not realize.
To participate, you will need a free Zoom account (download at www.zoom.us). Before the discussion, contact the church office for the meeting link if you need one. Then, at the appropriate time, grab a soothing cup of tea or other beverage, curl up in your favorite chair at home and participate in our discussion via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. While of course you can participate without your video enabled, we ask that if you’re able, plan to share your face—we’re all so hungry for that right now. We’re delighted that this technology can bring us together and help us feel like the community we are—in a way that is safe during this pandemic. Everyone is invited to join the discussion!
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