Annual Congregational Meeting
January 28, 2024 / 11:30 am – 1:30 pm CST
Members of Nokomis Heights are encouraged to attend the annual meeting of the congregation immediately following worship on Sunday, January 28, for the purpose of electing officers and voting on a budget for the coming year. All confirmed members of NHLC are allowed to vote. We will gather in Fellowship Hall at 11:15 am.
A light lunch will be served.
While we hope most will be able to attend in person, we offer the Zoom alternative for those who prefer to participate remotely or are unable to attend. Here is the Zoom link; no passcode is required: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87853565275
If you want to call in through the Zoom link using your phone, the phone number is +1(929) 205-6099; the meeting ID is 878 5356 5275.
Come into the Zoom meeting around 11:00 am, and you will be admitted. Call Mark Lofthus at (651) 829-0052 if you are having trouble.
The ballot and Annual Report are now available to be downloaded. Click on the links below.
In addition to the election of officers, we will be voting on the budget for 2024 and on some amendments to the By-laws and Constitution of Nokomis Heights. A full copy of the amendments is posted on the church website. Use this link to access it:
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