Adult Forum: Terry Esau and Greg Winter
November 19, 2023 / 9:00 am – 10:00 am CST
At this week’s Adult Forum NHLC member Greg Winter will lead a conversation with his friend Terry Esau on the topic of generosity and Terry’s involvement as founder and CEO of Free Bikes 4 Kidz and Free Guitars 4 Kidz.
Terry Esau is a composer, producer, author, biking enthusiast and guitar-giver. He has spent most of his career writing and producing music for TV commercials — that’s how he and Greg met—but his love for bikes led him to launch a non-profit giving bikes to kids in need. Free Bikes 4 Kidz has been collecting, refurbishing and giving away bikes to Minnesota kids for more than 15 years! To date, they’ve donated tens of thousands of bicycles to kids. Recently, building on that success, Terry has begun a new project, Free Guitars 4 Kidz, with a similar mission, to get unused guitars out of garages and basements and into the hands of children who cannot afford one.
You are invited to join this inspiring conversation in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am on Sunday. Coffee and treats will be served.
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