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Adult Forum: Mike Lloyd, CES

March 5, 2023 / 9:00 am 10:00 am CST

We are pleased to welcome Mike Lloyd, Executive Director at Community Emergency Service (CES), to Forum this Sunday. Located in the ethnically-diverse Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis, CES is celebrating its 50th year of providing food, hope, and compassion to a multi-generational, multi-cultural, low-income clientele. CES strives to serve its neighbors in need without distinction or test, with dignity and understanding.

Nokomis Heights has been a partner in ministry with CES for more than 30 years through its food shelf program. In the last few years, besides contributing to the food shelf, we have provided volunteers to deliver groceries to CES clients in the Hiawatha Towers every other month, most recently in February.

Please join us in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am to hear Mike Lloyd’s report. Coffee and treats will be served.

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