Because we live in a culture that loves information, we might not notice how often we read scripture just for that purpose. We look for location, context, and content. We look for who is involved, and what that person is trying to teach us.

This month’s spiritual practice, called “Dwelling in the Word,” will help us read scripture not for information but for formation.

We read for spiritual formation by coming to God’s Word and patiently allowing the text to intrude into our lives. This method helps us gain new insights from familiar passages, makes us aware of God’s presence in the text, and allow us to encounter God through each other.

To practice dwelling in the Word, you’ll need a group of at least 3-4 people or more. You might try this after a family supper or before a committee meeting or among a gathering of church friends.

Start by selecting a passage of scripture. Any passage will do. As the passage is read aloud, each person listens for a word or phrase that stands out to them. Or, if you prefer, listen for something that surprises you, or for a question you’d like to ask of the text. After the passage is read aloud, give a couple moments for participants to think about what they’ve heard. It might help to read the passage two or three times, especially if it is longer.

Next, form pairs and take turns giving each person two minutes of uninterrupted time to share their insights from the passage while their partner listens. It’s important that each person is not interrupted with questions or thoughts by the listener.

Finally, return to the large group and invite the listeners to share what they heard from their partners. Invite the participants to share only what they heard from their partner, not what they heard in the text. You’ll be surprised by how insightfully God speaks through each other.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Pastor Marla