Congratulations to Patrick Day, Nokomis Heights’ resident baker, for being featured in a StarTribune video about his baking and State Fair entries!

According to the article, “Patrick Day loves to bake bread, but even more, he loves to give it away. After a major health crisis at the age of 20, Patrick’s father taught him how to bake, and he’s continued the tradition, including entering his work into the Minnesota State Fair competition.”

Click here for a link to the video.

At Nokomis Heights, we know Patrick as the guy with the spectacular beard–and singing voice–who makes a perfect Saint Nicholas and bakes heavenly pulla and Julekage for our annual Christmas Coffee. He also introduced “Bread of Life Sunday” to our congregation many years ago, and has shared hundreds of loaves with us, encouraging all of us to get to know our neighbors through the breaking of bread.

Most recently, Patrick has begun baking our communion bread, using a recipe from Luther Seminary. It’s a rich tasting dark bread that is well made for intinction because it doesn’t fall apart when dipped in the wine.

Well done, Patrick! We’re glad you are part of our family at Nokomis Heights. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us!