Noah & his floating zoo finally sailed at our successful second attempt at VBS this summer. No rain or gas leaks kept us from accomplishing what we set out to do this time!

Five families from Nokomis Heights and the neighborhood stayed after the outdoor worship on 8/25 for pop-up family VBS. Our special guests were Melanie LaPointe and her dog TillieBean, from Community Emergency Service, who told us all about their Ani-meals program that delivers pet food monthly to homebound clients, as an addition to its Meals on Wheels deliveries. The meals on wheels for pets program was introduced when it was discovered that clients with pets often were giving them their own meals when they did not have pet food. The people food wasn’t healthy for the pets, and the people went hungry. Now, for more than 100 clients, pet food is delivered monthly. It’s a win-win for the residents and their beloved animals.

As a special service project, the VBS families divided 140 pounds of cat and dog food into smaller bags that will be delivered to CES clients. The kids worked carefully, making sure each bag weighed 5 pounds and was properly labeled. The pet food will provide meals for 28 cats and dogs for a month. All the food was purchased with funds from our children’s ministry program.

Besides the service project, the families witnessed a lively skit on the Noah’s Ark story, played competitive beanie baby toss, and created their own rainbow (or taco?) reminders of God’s love. The 2-hour event finished up with a hotdog picnic lunch (to stick with the animal theme!).

Thank you to Pastor Marla and Amy Snetting for helping with the skit, to Carl Christopherson for leading games, to Celeste Delap and Jim Nelson for the picnic lunch, and to Cindy Nelson for coordinating it all. Thanks especially to all the families who came and participated. We hope you had a great time!

For more photos of the day, click here!