Perhaps some of you remember a forum last spring led by members of the Minneapolis Area Synod staff about community organizing for congregations. They told wonderful stories about their own congregations, right here in South Minneapolis, who used the tools of community organizing to strengthen and invigorate their churches. The forum was inspired by members of our church council who had attended a synod “Tool Kit for Leaders” in April, where they learned how energized our neighbors were about this program.
The ideas from the Tool Kit and forum have been percolating in conversations at council meetings for a few months now, and we are excited to try some of the relationship-building skills here at Nokomis Heights. In partnership with Pastor Susan Engh, the ELCA’s Director for Congregation-based Organizing, we will be training 15 volunteers for one-to-one listening at a brief workshop later this month. All council leaders have already volunteered.
Once trained, the listeners will be available to listen–intently and intentionally–to every member of the congregation over the latter half of October and the first part of November through one-to-one conversations. One-to-ones are in-person conversations designed to build relationships between members and identify people’s interests, passions, talents, and concerns. The conversations allow members to develop clarity in their faith and grow within the congregation. They also encourage our congregation to be more visionary. Don’t worry–it’s not a sales pitch or psychoanalysis, and you won’t be asked to give money or donate time in your one-to-one!

We’re already in the process of identifying members willing to serve as listeners. If you are interested in this leadership role, please let me know. We’d also like to know who wants to be heard. As we move through leadership training, we will begin to connect our listeners with members of the congregation. If you’d like to be visited and don’t get an invitation, let me know that, too.

And thank you to everyone who is helping this project create a deeper sense of connection and purpose within our community at Nokomis Heights!
See you in worship,
Pastor Susan Debner